What do you do when God opens a door to minister freedom?
What do you do when you find someone who wants to either know more about freedom in Christ OR you know they need to be free? What’s some ideas on approaching the subject?

How to Start?
There is a beauty in the sanctification process. Sometimes God does intervene and does a miracle all in one and once for all. I know of men and women who were saved and in that instance were mightily delivered from addictions, bad language, perversions, fear and more! But I have found that He isn’t against a process.
Think about the benefits of the process. When you get to walk through your deliverance in lieu of an instant one (which can happen), the Lord will walk you through cutting the ties to lies, showing you truths and you get to experience His gentleness and love. There is so much to learn about Him as He guides us from freedom to freedom! In this process, we can learn how to keep doors shut. We need to learn to embrace the process of getting to know Jesus through sanctification.
This article is more about what to do when the healing or freedom isn’t instant. How do you respond to someone asking you about freedom?
What do you do when God opens the door to minister to someone?
- Show that you care. Listen and do not jump to conclusions. Do not use your experience to assume you know what they need or what the real problem is.
- Don’t jump into “cast out” mode. Do not go from 0-70 in ten minutes. We have to allow Holy Spirit to move. He is the boss. In our zeal we do not want to harm someone who needs love, gentleness, kindness, and patience. Sure, Suzie Q may need to forgive her ex husband for telling her she was fat and ugly. However, maybe the first thing she needs to here is something kind and not, “Suzie, I suggest you forgive him now.” Genuine love and compassion goes a long way.
- Different people will be at different places, do not assume anything.
There are people who know ZERO about deliverance. Do not use “deliverance lingo.” You can share your testimony and leave out meaty details. You can skip to #5 and offer a resource to help them prepare.
There are people who know they have a spirit and just want it out. Maybe they’ve even studied or went to other people for help.
There are people who just know they have a problem and no idea what it is. You do not want to start out with, “You have an unclean spirit!”
- Some questions to ask believers to get the condition of their heart: (this can help you know how to pray and when you meet them later, you can ask again and see if there has been an improvement. You probably don’t want to bombard them with all these questions, but pretty good guide. Also absolutely use these post deliverance if they begin to have issues. (I got these questions from a Mercy Multiplied training.)
- How is your relationship with God?
- Do you read the Bible? Do you understand what you read?
- Are you spending time in prayer?
- What has God been showing you or teaching you lately?
- What are you surrounding yourself with? (movies? Tv? Godliness?)
- Who are you surrounding yourself with? (What’s your 5 closest friends like?)
- Are you staying connected to other Christians? Are you accountable to anyone?
- Are you currently serving others?
- Are there any lies that you sense the enemy has been throwing at you?
5. An easy way to start is to recommend the following:
Sometimes you can know if they are serious about being free if you give them a resource and then they actually look up the resource, read, or watch a video. If they are WILLING to do homeowrk or read the Word, then theya re likely serious about seeking the Lord. The goal is not for you to pull them up the mountain. That will wear you out and they won’t gain any spiritual strength. Our role is a guide or a companion in the exciting journey to freedom. Here are some things I regularly suggest for interested folks to do to get started:
- Watch Robert Morris: Free Indeed (These are located on the www.miracleofdeliverance.com teaching page.)
- Read the Book: Ditch the Baggage by Nancy Alcorn
- Read the 1st Three Chapters in the book: Set Yourself Free by Robert Heidler
6. EXCEPTION or alternate route: For those in immediate need, we can meet with them for initial prayer and then get them set on preparation. If we meet with them, here are some things we will do to prepare for assisting them.
7. Listening to their story. You would then start them in the process and begin assessing:
What is the real problem?
What are the possible outcomes and which do we want to move forward?
What resources are needed?
What are the barriers to moving forward?
Who else needs to be involved?
What steps need to be taken and in what order?
- When dealing with wounds and lies. Here is the cycle of a stronghold. We will be working many times to interfere with this cycle:
The anatomy of a stronghold is: (According to MPower Workshop)
Painful Event
Start to Believe Lies
Protect/comfort (bondages, perfectionism, addiction, etc.)
People Respond (accusing, encouragement, shaming)
Example: (Painful Event) A man tells his daughter she is ugly and no one will ever love her. (Belief) The girl believes her father and accepts no one will love her and she is ugly. (Protect) She begins to withdraw and is nervous around people. She stops participating in school interactions. She’s too fearful of rejection to even speak up in class. (People Response.) The teacher sends home a note to the father about his daughter’s disinterest in school and refusal to stand in front of the class. If the father berates her and calls her names again, a new painful event emerges and the process starts all over again. Each time the lie becomes more solidified and a part of her identity.
- Once they begin the work, reading scripture, seeking God, and in prayer, we can commence meeting if they would like. This may look like:
- Meeting and discussing homework. May use questionnaire.
- Go deeper and ask the Lord to show other legal grounds left.
- Work through repentance, forgiveness, brokenness, lies, renounce occult, cut soul ties.
- At any appropriate time or at the end, command any spirit that got a foothold to leave. We want to make sure the root is out.
There may be several meetings depending on the commitment of the person, their ability to process, or the Lord’s leading. Most of all, we know that He does the work. Healing people is His business and we are along as His hands and wielding faith in His faithfulness!